Quarterly Statements
TrustFort’s reports and statements service allows advisors to generate customized reports with their firm name and logo. Three different report formats can be generated: Excel, PDF, and Web portal reports. TrustFort personnel perform quality and accuracy checks on all reports prior to generation
Reports and statements can be delivered three different ways:
- Web portal view: user can populate and view their corresponding reports from TrustFort's Portfolio Insight.
- Download from web: TrustFort's service allows users to store generated reports on a web portal for download whenever required.
- Delivery on e-mail: TrustFort's Portfolio Insight offers a custom option to push periodic e-mail to clients with reports and statements attached.
This service provides various reports to advisors and investors, including:
- Allocation/holdings
- Income/expense
- Performance
- Fixed income
- Activity/operations